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API Specification Doc

(Standard Deviation Calculator)

Version Date Author Description
1.0 26-Oct-2022 Enzipe ( Initial draft


1. Get Standard Deviation


2. Standard Deviation

Get Standard Deviation of equations according to its type (sample, population).

Base Url:


Method URL
Post /api/standard-deviation


Type Params Values
Post sd_type Sample, Population
Post expression 12,34,2,12,3


Status Response
{ "Status": 200, "message" : "Standard deviation result", "data": 52.4 }
400 { "error: "Please provide both params." }
401 { "error: "Incorrect params." }
405 { "error: "Method not allowed." }
500 { "error: "Something went wrong. Please try again later." }



  • Status - Http status code of response.
  • All response are in JSON format.
  • All request parameters are required unless explicity arketd as [optionsl]
  • Pass Accept application/json in header.

Status Code

All status codes are standard HTTP status codes. The below ones are used in this API.

2XX - Success of some kind.

4XX - Error accurred in Client's side.

5XX - Error accurred in Server's side.

Status Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad request
403 Forbidden
404 Resource not found
405 Method Not Allowed
500 Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable

Rapid API

2. Standard Deviation Rapid API

For more details visit: Standard Deviation Rapid API Docs.